
The AP Race Coaches Wellbeing Check-In provides coaches with effective monthly support for their wellbeing and mental health via a simple 3-step process.

The Process

Check In

Coaches get a monthly scheduled invite to check in with the GoVox Wellbeing platform on their phone, tablet or computer. They answer a few simple, friendly questions carefully designed to flag up any concerns and that’s it! The whole process takes less than a minute!

Instant Insights

Our wellbeing lead can instantly access Check In results on your GoVox Wellbeing Dashboard. Because each person’s feedback has their name on it, the team can see at a glance who would benefit most from a helping hand. As the AP Race Coaches Community grows, we will offer a wider range of support services including coach mentors and clubs visits to support individual coaches face to face. This personal approach is unique to the wellbeing platform and enables us to prioritise support, resources and the conversations that matter.

Effective Support

As soon as a coach completes their Check In, they’ll get their own Personal Wellbeing Report pinged straight to their inbox. It’s based on their own responses and the content will give them a little extra help in the areas they need it most. The Check In includes a free text box for coaches to share any feedback at all about their coaching, the sport or any other thoughts they want to share to help us continue to develop our offering to the swimming coaches community.